Welcome to our class page!
Here you will find all the information you will need about the Early Years Foundation Stage. My name is Mrs. Patel and I am your child's teacher in Reception. Mrs Connelly is our wonderful learning support assistant. Please also keep posted to our page on Class Dojo, where you will be kept up to date with photos, videos and all the amazing things going on in our class.
Children are expected to be in full uniform every day, with a sensible pair of shoes and a coat. All items of clothing must be labelled with your child’s name. Children with long hair should tie it back neatly. Children should not wear make-up, nail varnish, or transfer tattoos whilst at school. If your child wears glasses, they need to bring them into school every day. Children should bring a pair of wellies and a waterproof coat as they will be playing outside every day.
Reception PE day is on a Friday. Every child must wear a white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps for PE so please send these items in a named bag. Children must have their hair tied up and wear plasters to cover or remove their earrings. PE kits will stay in school on your children’s hooks for the whole half term.
Reading Books:
Please ensure your child’s reading bag is in school every day because they will have regular opportunities to read the adults in school. Please read regularly with your child and ensure that their reading diary is signed. When reading with your child, check that they understand the words and the story.
There will be a termly homework grid, linked to our topics. We will also send home Phonics homework.
How you can help your child:
Ensure they get a good night's sleep.
Read every day – find a quiet place, cuddle up, talk about the pictures and enjoy the book.
Encourage them to be as independent as possible by getting themselves dressed, feeding themselves, going to the toilet themselves, washing their hands and tidying up their toys when they have finished.
Take your child to the library and share your love of reading.
Writing: Practice forming the letters of the alphabet and writing words and sentences about their activities over the weekend or their reading books.
PLAY – outdoors, creative art, baking, imaginary play.
Here are a list of useful websites:
If you have any worries, concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to come and see me.
We are really excited to meet you and your child and we look forward to a successful and enjoyable year ahead!
Mrs Patel and Mrs Connelly